Do you ever wish you could have nice pictures of your family doing the things you normally do . . . at the places you normally do them? You know, pictures of everyone just playing around, spending time together at home, but with everyone in the photo. Not pictures that leave out the camera-clicker (usually Mom).
Well, this was exactly what Malorie and Thomas had in mind. I think of this as kind of a scrapbook session. Photos that simply capture memories of things that actually happen all the time.
You've got to take a look at how cute this family is when they play together!
I'll start with some of my favorites . . . Malorie and Kiley have many types of "kisses" they do together to show their affection. They are adorable. This one is called the Eskimo Kiss.
Lion Kiss (think Lion King).
Back Kiss.

Kiley and Mom also have make-up time together. Love Kiley's creative use of eyeshadow . . . .
And if you know Kiley, you know this girl likes to spend time singing around the house! So the family picked up a toy microphone and some kitchen utensils and made a band!
Kiley was so excited to sing and watch Mom & Dad sing with her, she kinda forgot to hold the microphone to her mouth sometimes. It was cute.
London Bridge is Falling Down!
I about flipped when I saw them take this pose. This isn't something they just came up with for the pictures. This family actually regularly sits on the couch and reads together just like this. So adorable. Made me almost ready for a kid. :)
And, of course, Kiley and Thomas play "animals," where she gets to ride on his back or he gets to chase her around, mostly. That's got to be a staple of growing up.
We wrapped up with a little time outside. Thanks so much for letting me be a part of such a fun morning! P.S. I love having you guys as family!