Dawn booked this session with me many months in advance! She told me no one has ever been as excited for a session as she was for this one! And you know what? That made me even more excited to shoot it! I just loved getting to hang out with Dawn and her family and meet her little kiddos! They were the kindest, fun-lovingest group of people, and I felt so comfortable just hanging out with all of them!
You all truly made me so happy to be taking these photos for you! There are so, so many more that I can not wait for you to see! I had too many favorites!
But we'll start with Justin, since this all started because of his birthday! :)
You all truly made me so happy to be taking these photos for you! There are so, so many more that I can not wait for you to see! I had too many favorites!
But we'll start with Justin, since this all started because of his birthday! :)
What a handsome little stud! And his little sister, Hannah, who's not much older than my own baby girl, is absolutely adorable!
This little girl just lit up every time Papa picked her up!
A momma never looks so gorgeous as when she's holding one of her babies!
Oh, yes, and the official 4-year-old photos were a must-have!
Dawn, you have a beautiful little family . . .
. . . and big family!
Haha, siblings!
Finally, I loved these shots of Justin with his Grandma! So. much. love.
Thank you so much to all of you for inviting me along to document this day! I thoroughly enjoyed every moment, and I really can not wait to share the rest of the photos with you!!